Church History

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Журнал выпускаестя издательством Кембриджского университета с 1931 года. Новый номер (2020, 89.1) содержит статьи о рецепции творений Игнания Антиохийского в Британии с 1200 по 1700 год, а также ряд материалов по истории христианских миссий и протестантизма; отдельный интерес представляет статья о межнациональных проблемах в контексте отношений христианских Церквей с фашистским режимом в Трансильвании в период между мировыми войнами.
Вышел очередной номер журнала "Church History"
Опубликован 4-й номер 88-го тома журнала "Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture". Журнал издается совместно Американским церковно-историческим обществом и Издательством Кембриджского университета. Основан в 1932 году. Выходит ежеквартально. Посвящен церковно-исторической и богословской тематике, считается одним из наиболее авторитетных научных журналов в своей области.
Nankivell, John, Protopresbyter
Mills, William C., Fr
Мишин Владислав, священник
McGuckin, John Anthony
Chalcedon 28: one of the most controversial canons in church history
A presentation by Deacon Victor Yudin (St. John the Theologian Orthodox Institute, Belgium, Ph.D.), delivered at the international academic conference "The Forthcoming Council of the Orthodox Church: Understanding the Challenges" (18-20 October 2012). Abridged version.
Conference held at Orthodox Seminary in Joensuu dedicated to the memory of Archbishop Paul of Finland
SVS Schmemann Lecture 2013: Dr Peter Brown to Present “Constantine, Eusebius, and the Future of Christianity”
A Syrian Greek Archbishop: God’s Gift to Canterbury
As the Church of England prepares for a new Archbishop of Canterbury, Fr John Nankivell looks at the life and lasting influence of an earlier Archbishop of that see, St Theodore of Tarsus, focusing on the many ways in which this holy, wise and learned man transformed the Church in England.
2013 Schmemann Lecture: Dr. Peter Brown to Present “Constantine, Eusebius, and the Future of Christianity”
13–14 September: Conference on “The Optina Elders and Russian Culture”
Book launch of “Bear One Another’s Burdens: The Life and Pastoral Struggle of Hieromartyr Sergey Mechev”
The Return of Gnosticism
Archimandrite Vassilios looks at the growth of popular interest in Gnostic writings, arguing that the Gnosticism of today is far removed from the tendency the early Church fought for so long, particularly in its view of the material world. In support of this view he examines the formation of the New Testament Canon and some of the most prominent Gnostic texts from the first few centuries AD.
Russian TV channel to show film on restoration of canonical communion between Moscow Patriarchate and Russian Church Abroad
Fourth British Patristics Conference September 2012
The African Memory of Mark: Reassessing Early Church Tradition
We often regard the author of the Gospel of Mark as an obscure figure about whom we know little. Many would be surprised to learn how much fuller a picture of Mark exists within widespread African tradition, tradition that holds that Mark himself was from North Africa, that he founded the church in Alexandria, that he was an eyewitness to the Last Supper and Pentecost, that he was related not only to Barnabas but to Peter as well and accompanied him on many of his travels.In this provocative reassessment of early church tradition, Thomas C. Oden begins with the palette of New Testament evidence and adds to it the range of colors from traditional African sources, including synaxaries (compilations of short biographies of saints to be read on feast days), archaeological sites, non-Western historical documents and ancient churches. The result is a fresh and illuminating portrait of Mark, one that is deeply rooted in African memory and seldom viewed appreciatively in the West. 
His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev officiates at the canonization of Schema-Archbishop Anthony (Abashidze)
Early Christian Art: An International Conference with special regard to the early Christian Cemetery in Sopianae (Pécs – Hungary)
Academic meetings on the early modern history of Christianity in India
City of Dalian, China: the Church monument of Archangel Michael
“The Zealot of Athos and Moscow”: The Life of Schema-Archimandrite Ilarion (Udodov). Part I: Childhood and Youth: The Holy Mountain of Athos
Today being the 61st anniversary of the blessed repose of Schema-Archimandrite Ilarion (Udodov; 1862-1951), Bogoslov.Ru is publishing his life, compiled by Fr Vladislav Michin, a priest of the Church of the Deposition of the Venerable Robe of the Theotokos at Blachernae in Leonovo, and translated from the Russian by Yana Larionova. The account of his life will continue in two further parts.
Call for papers: ‘Pagans and Christians in Late Antique Rome: Interpreting the Evidence’
2012 NAPS Annual Meeting announced
The Orthodox Saint Valentine
The Ascent of Christian Law: Patristic and Byzantine Formulations of a New Civilization
This work asks the question: "What did Christianity do to build a civilization"? In the present age, law has been used energetically to micro-manage human societies, values, and aspirations. But did law work that way in antiquity?
Exploring the Tur Abdin a forgotten treasure of south-eastern Turkey